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Welcome to my personal web site! |
Hello! My name is Judy, and I am scheduled for Roux-EN-Y Gastric Bypass surgery. My current weight is 310 pounds, but I will change it if it changes before my surgery.I topped out at 321 and the doctor said if I dont do something that I would most likely die in 5 years. This page and the following pages will be a look at experiences and progress during this major change in my life. **UPDATE** THE BIG DAY! Day One Finally the day is here. July 25, 2001 I underwent the bariatric surgery. There were a few complications, but not totally unexpected. When they went in, Dr. Warnock discovered that my spleen was enlarged, and removed it. Also it was discovered my liver was enlarged, and I had a herniated intestine. In the past I have had trouble with sleep apnea, so it took a little longer than expected for me to come out of the anesthesia. I was placed in ICU overnight, then moved to another room on day two. See below the picture for day by day updates! Soon I will have pictures uploaded from the days following my surgery, in hopes that others can see that its not a walk in the park, but it beats the alternative, that is, living a life that is almost totally miserable, and missing out on most everything life has to offer. 
This is me before.....

And this is me as of November 4, 2001! **Update** Day three, I am walking on my own. Still needing the oxygen, but things are lookin pretty good! ** UPDATE ** Day 4 has been bad. My feet and legs are swelling, and I am having even more trouble breathing. Dr. Walker (my physician) ordered a doppler echo on my legs, and it was discovered that I have developed problems again, with bloodclots above the knees. It was decided that I needed to go back to ICU, and Dr. Walker put me on Heprin Therapy and increased my oxygen rate. Keep praying for me, I know that when I get thru the problems, I will still be better off! More later! ** UPDATE ** This is day five, and they have me medicated pretty good. I am feeling better, and the doctor says they might move me out of ICU tomorrow. ** UPDATE ** Day 6, I am still pretty miserable. The heparin therapy is starting to really pull me in the right direction. At this time, I am still in ICU but hoping to get out of here and into a room soon! ** UPDATE ** Last night (day 6 to day 7) they took me out of ICU and moved me into a room with another person. The air conditioning wasnt working very good, and the room was hot. They did provide fans, and my husband went and got 3 icebags to fill and pack around me. Still feeling a little better than yesterday! ** UPDATE ** Day seven is going great! Catheter is out, and I am drinking juice with potassium in it. Guess I have to have it but it burns your mouth. Doctor says I may be going home by the end of the week! Finally! The doctor cleared me to go home Friday August 3, 2001. Have a look at my comming home pictures! I think I am going to survive this and be better than I ever have been! August 26, 2001 One month and one day. It has been a struggle learning how to eat all over again. I go to the doctor soon, but my scales at home tell me that I am 277 so I am looking forward to the OFFICIAL weight at the doctor's office. Its beginning to seem worth some of the pain. And just think, I am still loosing! I will have some new pictures soon! Its raining here today, so we will get some in a few days... September 15, 2001 Stepped on the scales today. Couldnt hardly believe what I saw! 265 pounds today! I have been walking and going to excercise on a Pat Walker machine, and really feeling a little better every day. I wont try to tell you that it is easy or anything, but the hunger that kept me from loosing weight is gone. Weakness is the feeling that has replaced the hunger. Also, yesterday my local grocery store had a shipment of watermelons, so that is another fruit that I am enjoying, and it is helping me to get the liquid I need. I experienced some nausea a week ago, and the doctor recommended that I eat a teaspoon of peanut butter on two regular saltine crackers. It did help. The pictures are coming, as my daughter has been really busy with her 2 jobs and my 10 yr old granddaughter. Keep watching for updates! **Update** 247 Pounds! October has been a really bad month for me. The abdominal pain has not went away, and have had several return visits to the doctor to find out why. After several tests, the doctor told me that everything was looking really good inside, and that it was just taking time. He did prescribe pain medicine and that helped for about 2 weeks, then I was in pain again. The doctor changed my medicine to Vicodin. The pain isnt quite as bad now, and there are some days it dont hurt at all, but they are far between. **Update - December 7, 2001** My apologies to all for not updating this sooner. Judy is in the hospital right now, being treated for unexplainable pain in the abdomen. She is undergoing pain shots every 3-4 hours with an IV that seem to maintain her relief. All of the "Barium" scans came back normal, but the pain is still continuing. There must be something not quite right, Dr. Warnock isnt sure either. It was stated that Judy could possibly go back in for exploratory surgery in six months, and go ahead and get a tummy tuck while in the process. Last weigh in was at 233. (Thats almost 100 pounds folks, in 4 months.) Hang in there mom/gran-gran! We know you can do it!! Please sign my guestbook with any comments or reactions you have to my site. You can also contact me privately. I love to get mail!
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Association for Morbid Obesity Support Group Before and After - Can you believe it? Gastric Bypass Surgery - Information page The Mini-Bypass Surgery Information Page Thinner Times City of Olney Police Department |
A Poem by Barbara Rice So many nights, I whimpered and cried, Thought that my prayers had all been denied. Stuffing my feelings, ashamed of my plight, Trying to stop, with all of my might. Shoving in cold spaghetti, at three in the morning, Frying shrimps by the time the daylight was dawning. Drinking gallons of soda, my heart wildly beating, Hating myself, 'cause I couldn't stop eating. The monster in me would come out to play, And as much as I begged him, he wouldn't go 'way. Morning would come, and that is when, The whole vicious cycle would start once again. Tears would be streaming, I felt like a cow, I wanted to stop, but I didn't know how. Boarding a plane, and seeing the fear In the eyes of the others..." Don't let her sit here!" Walking a block, and feeling such pain, That I went right back home to start eating again. " Your face is so pretty! Start using your head!" "Just eat smaller portions , " my family said. " Put down the fork! Push back from the table!" That's what my friends said...But I wasn't able. " Willpower's the secret! We'll help you get through it!" " TRY HARDER, " they urged...But I couldn't do it. I tried every diet to get back on track, I'd lose weight and then just gain twice as much back! Every morning I'd pray, " God let me be good..." Then I'd fail once again...and no one understood. Each new day would bring another attempt, Each evening would bring still more self-contempt. Filled with self-loathing, such awful remorse, Simply unable to get back on course. Overwhelmed with this state of awful depression, Giving in to this dark, paralyzing obsession. I thought to myself, " You'll always be fat.. Accept it, move on! Learn to live with that fact! " Questioning God and wondering why, Positive that I was destined to die. Yet something inside me was whispering, "No.. There MUST be a way..It HAS to be so." I felt a new Barbara was waiting inside me, And it was her voice, I permitted to guide me. I knew I could no longer go on this way, Desperate and dying, bit by bit, day by day. So I got on my knees, and prayed for relief, Then God sent a miracle to lessen my grief. A way to stop eating, so crazy I thought, Went against everything I had been taught. This was my last option, I felt like a jerk If this didn't do it, then NOTHING would work! So I trusted the doctors, wholly and blindly, And my God smiled down, completely and kindly. An unorthodox treatment, but working so well, To help lift me OUT of this ongoing hell. A surgical wonder, that acts as a tool To battle the fat, which has made life so cruel. So as scared as I was, I knew I'd get through it... Since I was so much more afraid not to do it. And it went very smoothly, and I'm convinced that That pain was less than the pain of this fat. Nothing could hurt more than being this size, While seeing the pity in everyone's eyes. That part of my life is over and done, But I'll never forget the place I come from. I'll always be grateful, I'll always be driven To bestow upon others the support I've been given. The obsession has lifted, I'm whole and I'm free, God and my surgeon gave my life back to me. I 've learned to eat slowly, I've learned how to chew Enjoying my food, as normal folks do. I eat when I'm hungry, I stop when I'm not, Being fat, in this life, will not be my lot. I eat not for sport, but just to survive, My whole life is changing...I'm glad I'm alive! I will reach the goal that I'm aiming toward, I've truly been blessed...Thank You, Dear Lord. The peace that I feel is calming and true, And for those who still suffer...I wish it for you. |
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